What Are Biogas Flare Systems Used For?
Biogas flare systems are used to dispose of gases that are produced from decomposition of organic matter or biomass. Typical examples are gases produced from landfills, wastewater treatment (anaerobic digesters), or other biomass sources. Gases are typically mixtures of methane, carbon dioxide, small amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, and others.
Are Your NOx Emissions Tightly Regulated?
If your facility is an environmentally sensitive area where NOx emissions are tightly regulated, such as one of the EPA’s 8-hour ozone Nonattainment areas, then you will also need an ultra-NOx VCU. Zeeco has developed the TriClean VCU, which is an ultra-low emission VCU that can achieve NOx emission of less than or equal to 15 ppm (0.018 MMBTU/hr.) and CO emissions of less than 10 ppm (0.01 MMBTU/hr.).

Why Choose Zeeco for Your Biogas Flare System?
Zeeco is the world leader in biogas flare technology for landfill and digester applications. Our extensive field experience and proven designs dispose of methane and other decompositions both efficiently and effectively with long-lasting reliability. Biogas must be handled in a specific manner to ensure combustion to a high degree of efficiency. In addition, the possibility of oxygen in the gas mixture coming to the flare means flame arrestors and special flame arresting burners must be employed. Biogas can be burned to a high degree of efficiency in either an elevated flare or an enclosed ground flare system. Choose Zeeco for your next flaring project.BioGas Enclosed Flare
Zeeco’s biogas enclosed flare system incorporates the latest features and options to handle a wide range of flow rates and to ensure optimal performance.
TriClean Vapor Combustor Unit
Zeeco’s TriClean Vapor Combustor Unit (VCU) delivers volatile Organic Compound (VOC) destruction and removal efficiencies (DRE) of up to 99.99%
Biogas Utility Flare
Our extensive field experience and proven designs dispose of methane and other decompositions both efficiently and effectively – and offer the long-lasting reliability you’ve come to expect from
Services we offer
Zeeco can provide combustion and emissions control solutions wherever hydrocarbon processing takes place. Customers can find our equipment and services in upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and energy processes.
We also offer products and support for other industries and applications such as tank/terminal loading and storage, pharmaceutical, carbon black, pulp & paper, steel, food processing, and more.