Vapor Combustor Unit (VCU)
What Is a Vapor Combustor Unit?
A Vapor Combustor Unit (VCU) is primarily used for the control and destruction of the volatile organic compound (VOC) laden vapors generated during the loading of crude oil and refined petroleum products into trucks, railcars and marine vessels. They are also used to control the vapors generated by the venting of petroleum storage tanks.
How Does a Zeeco Vapor Combustor Unit Work?
Whether you are loading trucks, rail cars, or marine vessels, a reliable, economical vapor control system is vital to your day-to-day operation. Zeeco’s advanced Vapor Combustor Units (VCU) are fully enclosed, have automated temperature control, and are designed to be the most reliable, cost-effective means to achieving Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Destruction Efficiencies (DRE) up to 99.9%. These high-efficiency vapor combustors can operate on a wide range of vapors without smoke or visible flames. Units can be sized to fit the smallest truck rack to the largest marine loading systems. Flow rates up to 80,000 BPH or higher by combining multiple VCUs in parallel.
Key Features of Zeeco's VRU's:
- Destruction efficiencies up to 99.9%
- USCG Certified Anti-Flashback Burners.
- Dedicated, Variable Frequency Driven (VFD), air-assist fans deliver combustion air directly to each burner pack.
- Burner packs can be staged to meet a wide range of operating requirements.
- Automated dampers for more precise control of combustion air, which allows tuning of the VCU for optimal emission performance.
- Designed for minimum pressure drop in order to ensure backpressure on truck rack is less than 18” W.C.
- High turndown capability.
- Smokeless performance from 0% to 100% operation.
- Detonation arrestors on the vapor inlet line to prevent flashbacks into terminal piping.
- Operation can be tied to loading operations to turn system on and off as needed.
- PLC based control system with HMI for fully automatic flame ignition and monitoring
- Standard emissions
- VOC DRE: 98% up to 99.9%
- NOx: 0.12 to 0.2 lbs./MMBTU
- CO: 0.1 to 0.5 lbs./MMBTU

TriClean Vapor Combustor Unit
Zeeco’s TriClean Vapor Combustor Unit (VCU) delivers volatile Organic Compound (VOC) destruction and removal efficiencies (DRE) of up to 99.99%
Tanks and Terminals 2020: Removing the Obstacles
Gayla Broostin and Greg V. Seefeldt, Zeeco Inc., USA, outline the obstacles that need to be removed to increase liquid loading throughput at marine terminal facilities.
Vapor Combustors
Zeeco’s advanced Vapor Combustor Units (VCU) are designed to be the most reliable, cost-effective means to achieving Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Destruction Efficiencies (DRE) up to 99.9%.
Vapor Combustor Rentals
Zeeco maintains a rental fleet of skid and trailer-mounted vapor combustor units (VCU) staged around the world and available on demand. Designed with the end user in mind, our rental vapor
Vapor Field Service & Testing
Zeeco’s field service professionals are highly trained in the service and maintenance of Carbon Bed Vapor Recovery Units (VRUs), Vapor Combustion Units (VCUs), Continuous Emission Monitors
Services we offer
Zeeco can provide combustion and emissions control solutions wherever hydrocarbon processing takes place. Customers can find our equipment and services in upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and energy processes.
We also offer products and support for other industries and applications such as tank/terminal loading and storage, pharmaceutical, carbon black, pulp & paper, steel, food processing, and more.