As The GB-Z Package Burner line provides reliable, efficient, proven performance for your heating needs. Model GB-Z burners will fire natural gas, propane, or other gaseous fuels. The burner head features a nozzle mix combustor for a reliable, robust flame pattern. GB-Z burners are suitable for commercial and industrial firetube and watertube boilers, firebox boilers, thermal fluid heaters and other various process heaters. The GB-Z burner delivers the engineering technology that can only come from the global authority in combustion and environmental solutions - Zeeco.

Standard Equipment:
- 3450 RPM motor
- Gas electric pilot with transformer
- Burner mounted or remote control panel with signal lights (Power On, Call for Heat, Main Fuel, Pilot Fuel, Alarm)
- Combustion air proving switch
- Motor starter
- 120/1/60 control circuit with transformer
- Butterfly gas control valve
- High/low gas pressure switches
- Gas shutoff cocks
- Main gas regulator
- Ship loose gas train

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