By Michael Dekker, Tulsa World Business Writer on April 1, 2024

If you’re taking a sip from a plastic water bottle, flipping through apps on your iPhone, or even taking Advil for mild pain, you’ve likely got the work of a little-known Tulsa company in your hands.
“It’s not very sexy, but what we do is a pretty important part for consumers all over the world,” said Darton Zink, president and CEO of Zeeco, one of the metro’s largest employers.
Zeeco, which has become a global leader in designing and manufacturing advanced combustion and emissions reduction technologies, is marking 45 years.
“A lot of people don’t understand who we are in the Tulsa community because most of the products that we make go into industrial facilities, and they go outside Tulsa, outside the U.S. ...,” Zink said.
“Our products are used to manufacture all kinds of products that you have today — plastic water bottles couldn’t be made without Zeeco burners in the industrial facility that makes plastics,” he said.
“Your iPhone case was very likely — the raw material for it — was made in a facility that used our equipment.”
Zink said that most any kind of fuel, plastic, or pharmaceutical product may have Zeeco fingerprints on it.
“The largest plant that makes Advil has the heat supplied by our equipment,” he said.