Nitrogen & Syngas 2019 – Berlin, Germany – March 5-6, 2019
Application Overview:
- Downfired primary reformer furnace
- European ammonia production facility
- 105 downfired burners > 40 years old
- NOx emissions in range of 250-300 mg/Nm3

Burner Performance
- Burners are achieving 90 mg/Nm3 NOx
- 3.0% O2 measured in the flue gas; therefore, further reductions will improve NOx
- No flame-to-flame interaction
- Improved heat flux profile

- Zeeco supplied 105 GB Single Jet inserts for a downfired reformer at a European ammonia facility
- NOx emissions, heat flux profile, and flame-to-flame interaction were confirmed by CFD and burner testing
- Current NOx emissions average 90 mg/Nm3 at 3% 02 which meets European legislation and NOx guarantees
- Burners are operating with lower excess air; therefore, fuel gas consumption rate is lowered in the radiant section
- NOx emissions can be reduced further if the furnace excess air is trimmed
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