2014 4C Conference and Exhibition – February 24-27, 2014 – Austin, TX
Regulations for Control
New Source Performance Standards (NSPS, 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOO) for crude oil and natural gas production, transmission and distribution. Ruling applies to new and modified affected facilities that commenced construction after August 23, 2011 “Quad O”
The ruling targets five source categories of oil and gas production:
211111- Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
211112- Natural Gas Liquid Extraction
221210- Natural Gas Distribution
486110- Pipeline Distribution of Crude Oil
486210- Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas
The Natural Gas Production Process Diagram adapted from the American Gas Association and the EPA Natural Gas STAR Program
Using Engineered Flares to Meet New Regulations
Well site flare systems
Gathering and booster stations flare systems
Natural gas processing plant flare systems
Compressor station flare systems
Properly designed, engineered flare for either open or enclosed flame will provide for greater than 98% VOC reduction