Jubail Gas Flaring Reduction Conference – February 19-20, 2013 – Jubail Industrial City KSA
Why Flare Reduction?
- Worldwide push for reduction in flaring
- Kyoto protocol
- Reduce CO emissions
- Reduce HC emissions
- Recover gases that would normally be flared
- Offset plant fuel gas usage
- Additional benefits
- Increase life of flare system
- Reduce visibility of flare system
- Improve public perception for facility
- FGRU eventually pays for itself

Saudi Aramco Solution: HPAAS

- Flare Impact Mitigation Plan (FIMP)
- Mitigate flaring first
- Consider reducing impact of flaring via smokeless flare technology
- Reduce flaring with FGR systems (or consider this anyway to save money)
- Choose the right partner, be sure they know what effect the flare gas recovery will have on your flare
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