2011 AFRC International Combustion Symposium – September 18-21, 2011 – Houston, TX
Background: Valero Boiler Retrofits
Valero Corpus Christi emission reduction project goals:
- Retrofit existing boilers with low emission technology
- NOx < 0.03 lb/MM Btu HHV
- CO < 50 ppmv at 3% O2 dry
- UHC / Particulate / VOC < 15 ppmv at 3% O2 dry
- Minimize installation costs
- Minimize operating costs
- Minimize maintenance costs

Free-Jet Design Advantages
- Stable flame over a wide range of conditions
- Compact design makes this burner a great choice for retrofit application
- Compact flame shape

- Challenging retrofit due to age of boilers
- Lack of accurate design data
- Tramp air leakage had to be addressed
- No external FGR required
- Steam into air stream ~ 0.3 – 0.4 # steam / # fuel
- Met emission guarantees for NOx (<0.03 lb/MM) Met emission guarantees for CO (<50 ppmv)
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