FCC International Technical Symposium – October 17-18, 2018 – Islamabad, Pakistan
- Downfired Primary Reformer Furnace
- European Ammonia Production Facility
- 105 Downfired Burners > 40 years old
- NOx emissions in range of 200-300 mg/Nm3
- Customer wanted to re-use burner windbox and damper

Zeeco Solution
- Supply GB Single-Jet Ultra-Low Emissions Kit:
- Gas lance / tips
- Cone
- Burner Tile
- Retain existing:
- Windbox
- Damper / damper controls
- Pilot
- Guaranteed NOx emissions of 120 mg/Nm3 on Natural Gas
- Design for 10% excess air (≈2.1% O2 by vol. of dry flue gas)
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