AFRC 2018 Industrial Combustion Symposium – Salt Lake City, UT – September 17-18, 2018

Current Next Generation Steam Flare Technology:
- Single steam inlet
- Multiple combustion nozzles – increases the amount of surface area of the gas/steam/air mixture
- Fewer steam nozzles means lower total cooling steam required

Current Steam Injection Technology
- Steam is injected into inlet bell, drawing air in as well
- Steam and air combination mix with the flare gas inside the overall tube, allowing for thorough mixing prior to tip exit
- The momentum of the total mixture exiting the tips help pull in air from the outside around each tube

SteamForce HC Advantages
- Uses a venturi to pull more air per pound of steam into flare mixing zone
- Less steam consumption per pound of flare gas (higher efficiency)
- Does not mix flare gas, steam and air together within the flare nozzle (not premixed)
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